Venturing into the vibrant realm of music and web3 can lead to a myriad of unique experiences, yet this artist manages to stay true to her essence amidst it all. In this edition of 10 questions, artist Adia talks about moving at her own pace, her most meaningful song, and the creative spark ignited by Love, Death & Robots. Plus, discover Tampa’s finest culinary gems!
- If you could have any superpower, but it had to be related to music, what would it be? It would be the ability to get my song ideas out of my head onto my laptop without having to write and record. Recording is probably my least favorite part about the creative process.
- What is the most personal or meaningful song or piece you have created, and why does it hold such significance to you? Still Going is one of the most meaningful songs that I have. It was my first experience working with a producer and this producer ended up becoming my best friend and band mate. This was also the only song I’ve ever performed where I seen someone in the audience shed tears over my music. I will never forget that moment.
- What new web3 tools are you experimenting with and what do you enjoy most about it? Dequency is actually my first solo web3 experience. I’m excited to learn more about other ways to move around this space.
- How do you see web3 technologies shaping the future of music industry? Putting the power back into the artist’s hands will cause a major shift in the music industry. The industry as we know it now, thrives off of taking advantage of artists and keeping us in a position where we don’t have much say so. Web3 provides an opportunity for artists to fund their own music careers without feeling the need to sign to labels that will not benefit the art.
- Where are you located & what’s the best meal in your city? I am in Tampa, FL and I’m a huge Korean BBQ fan. My favorite place to go right now is Boil Spot. We also have some of the best tacos ever at Los Chapos Tacos.
- What book are you reading currently? The last book I read was Will Smith’s biography. He dropped a lot of gems for upcoming artists and it was encouraging to read how he started to where he is now.
- In your opinion, what’s the best way to roll out a song or album? I think it really depends on the artist and their fan base. It’s difficult to cater to the masses, so I think a better strategy is to find out who your people are and tailor something for them. I enjoy seeing all parts of someone’s process. From them writing and recording, to the release, to shows. Being vulnerable and open about the process can help form a better connection with your community as opposed to only showing your best efforts only, in my opinion.
- What’s the craziest or most unexpected thing that’s inspired a song? Shows and movies. Netflix has a show called Love, Death & Robots, which is a series of these great animated short stories and there was one in particular that inspired me to write some of my best material to date.
- What advice would you give someone entering into web3? Stay true to yourself and who you are. Don’t feel pressured to do things you don’t want and respect the space.
- Projects of yours we should know about? I have an ep coming out this year that I’m super proud of. I am so excited to release it!