Ten Questions with Artist RMS

2 min readNov 2, 2022


Welcome back to our thirstily inquisitive series of rapid-fire questions, where our generous and compliant Dequency artists indulge us with their thoughts, feelings, and experiences… all in 10 questions. Today, RMS has blessed us with his musings on self-acceptance, his Nike-esque approach (“just do it”), and where to get the best tacos + guac in Jersey City. Read on!

  1. Your favorite reaction meme?

2. The artist you’ve had on repeat lately?

Kendrick, Saba, Weston Estate

3. Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

One of the hardest dualities to deal with is the balance between self-acceptance and self-improvement. On one hand you want to show yourself grace for who you are. On the other you want to strive to become a greater version of you. Maturity is understanding that self-acceptance is actually the first step toward self-improvement, not opposing forces.

4. A book you’d recommend to everyone?

Into Thin Air [John Krakauer]

5. Something you wish you’d known about web3 earlier?

Wish I recognized that not every drop needs to be a months-long, draining rollout process. It’s great when I’ve done that for the right projects. But sometimes you just have to drop and keep pushing rather than succumb to perfection paralysis. I suppose this holds true for everything though, not just web3.

6. The dumbest/weirdest NFT you own?

All the NFTs I own are fire lol. Mostly music nfts by artists who I’m a fan of and blessed to call friends now.

7. Biggest mistake you’ve made in business and/or in web3?

Second guessing myself and overthinking. Sometimes the only way to get it right is to get it wrong a bunch of times. Just gotta DO.

8. Sun/Moon/Rising?

I have no clue lol but I think Capricorn is one of them.

9. Where are you located & what’s the best meal in your city?

Located in Jersey City. Tacos + guac taster at Orale consistently hit.

10. Projects of yours we should know about?

Working on a bunch of web3 music NFT drops, some of which are collabs with other talented artist friends in the space.

Also working on a space themed concept album about reincarnation in Hindu culture, growth and love — called “THE ASCENDER.” Can’t wait to roll this out in web2 and web3. Really a cinematic experience.

Make sure you’re following RMS on Twitter, Instagram, check out his music on Dequency (and grab a license to sync Shine Thief), and stream his music on spotify!

-Team Dequency

